“Johnny Depp was one of the most wanted actors in his younger days, let’s say in his prime when he was actually handsome and capable of acting in different roles such as drunk careless pirate or a serious businessman, or even a naive lover ready to travel the whole world just to meet his hearts desires. That was the thing that was special about him, his ability to do all sorts of different roles in a period of just three years. Of course with that kind of talent and resourcefulness came a big prize where he won a Guinness world record for being the most paid actor in 2012 with earnings of around $75 million which was more than huge 10 years ago. But if we look at his life from then to now you can surely say that it wasn’t boring or lame. He enjoyed every moment of popularity or wealth.”
A lot of famous people lose their minds and start doing drugs or drinking alcohol in big amounts. That’s exactly what happened to Johnny Depp. He started enjoying the wealth on another level. He wasn’t satisfied with the regular things, material things he could afford which were in fact everything you can think of so he needed more, he needed a feeling of thrill. That led him to alcohol and drugs, the only things that can take him out of this world and that can provide him with feelings that are not possible to feel in living a normal life. Now he has a net worth of about $200 million which is not that bad considering he had such a turbulent life. The point of the story would be to aim to feel love and belonging because those feelings drugs can’t bring you, only other people can if you provide them with the same. Have a nice day and enjoy the simple thing in life, chase love!